Soy and Your Health

Soy Nutrition

Searching for a healthy food option that can help lower cholesterol, improve heart health and reduce the risk of cancer? Look no further than soy!

Loaded with protein, soluble fiber and healthy fats, soybeans are the unsung heroes of daily nutrition. If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about the health benefits of soy, these articles are a great place to start!

Soy Health Stories

Although you can already find soy in grocery store staples like cereal, vegetable oil and snack foods, you can also add soy to your own treats for some extra dietary benefits. Check out these recipes that use soy flour for a healthy twist on some delicious foods!

Soy Flour Recipes

Kansas ranks in the Top 10 in the U.S. for soybean production, producing nearly 190,000 bushels. Meet some of the Kansas farmers who grow this versatile crop which can be used for food, oil and livestock feed.

Meet These Soybean Farmers